Death. Taxes.
According to the old saying, these are the two things you can be certain of…
And taxes.
I”ve been working in taxes for weeks now and what I know for certain is that our taxes don’t make any sense. You would be amazed where your tax dollars go. You might think your tax dollars pay for things we need like military, roads, social security. You might think they pay for too much government. Did you have any idea that some of your taxes go to me? Our tax dollars pay people to work, to have kids, to put said kids in college. Taxes might be a certainty but they don’t make any sense.
Yet there is something else that is certain. God.
Though, he doesn’t make any sense either. And for a similar reason. It doesn’t make sense what he pays for. He pays the debt of my garbage, so I can be righteous.
Mind you he doesn’t pay my debt because I’m righteous, or because I deserve it. He pays it so that I can be righteous. He makes a trade. And he cleans up the mess: the mess my, your, Adam’s garbage made of the world. It doesn’t make any sense.
While the craziness of our tax system frustrates me, the craziness of God’s grace relieves me.
I have to pay my taxes.
I could never pay my debt to God.
April 18 is coming. That’s the deadline for filing and paying your taxes.
April 24 is coming too. That’s the anniversary of Jesus paying our debt. Of Jesus demonstrating that the one certain thing is God. God and God’s plan, God’s grace, God’s sovereignty.
Thank you God. Thank you and help me to tell people more about my gratitude for your senseless gift than I do about our senseless taxes.
Because after taxes, and after death, there will still be Jesus.