Choosing Sides
It’s a contentious time we live in. Feelings are running hot. So certain are we that WE ALONE know how to make everything better. For those who recognize Jesus as Lord the commandment is to be one, a call for unity among his followers. And yet there is so much that we divide over. Mostly things […]
What if…Once upon a time…
There is a township called Redford on the west edge of the city of Detroit. The road that is the border between the township and the city on that side is called Five Points. On a particular block of Five Points there were a number of families who were very close. In fact, they called themselves the Five Points Family. […]
What are you holding on to?
I am home sick. I’ve been in bed a few days now. And so I have a lot of time to think. To think and to observe. And there is a lot of loss going on around me. So many good byes. So many changes. So many things we must let go of. We want […]
40 years ago…
November 2016 it will be 40 years. Forty years. Since I decided to follow Jesus. No turning back.
We Had No Idea…
Palm Sunday…a narrative from the perspective of one of Jesus’ closer followers…as I imagine he might have told the story based on narratives from the four gospels… Often, we think we know what’s happening…we lean on our own understanding, our own perspective…only to find out… We had no idea… We knew what every good Hebrew boy […]
Driving lessons for the road and beyond
A friend encouraged me today. (How important that is! If you have given thanks for someone or thought positively about someone you love- share it with them! It’s like a cup of water along a marathon – so needed.) Reflecting on her words my thoughts started spinning…wholeheartedly, running a race with endurance, not giving up, keeping […]
Zoom zoom
I am from the Motor City. So cars are a big deal here. Yet it may be one of the most difficult places to learn how to drive. Detroit is a city with lots of freeways, and very large surface roads. So large they are often boulevards, four lanes of traffic going in either direction […]
It Takes A Village…
My phone started going off early this morning, bringing Happy Mother’s Day wishes. The first was a number neither my phone nor I recognized. “Uh oh,” said Larry thinking it was misdialed, “Someone’s mom isn’t getting her message.” The second was from a friend, he and his wife mentored Larry and I in our early […]
The Day before Christmas…
‘Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring… We have a baby in the house, he’s not as quiet as a mouse, he makes some noise, so do his toys. But when that baby of the house is now as quiet as a mouse, don’t hear a peep, cuz he’s asleep! The visiting baby is […]
Hello 51
I was just driving down Washington Street in Marquette, MI, and glanced at the speed limit sign on the right. Speed limit 50. 50 I am fifty. That’s my number right now. But Tuesday I must surrender it. And then this number that represents half a century of life, that freaks most folks out, but […]