Top o’ the morning to you!
Yes, it’s St. Patrick’s Day, a day of all things green and Irish. A day when everyone wants to be Irish.
Did you know St. Patrick wasn’t?
Tis true. He was from Scotland and his parents were Romans. Irish raiders captured him as a teenager and took him to Ireland where he was sold as a slave. He tended sheep as a slave for about 6 years before escaping and making his was back to Scotland and his family.
Then he studied in the church. And after being ordained as a bishop he did a most unusual thing…
He returned to the land of his captivity to share the good news.
That’s right he spent the remainder of his life, 40 years, going throughout Ireland telling people about Jesus. Sharing the gospel.
I can think of no better way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day than to share his message with you. Well, I’m sure it didn’t sound quite like this, after all his audience spoke an ancient Celtic language….